high resource demand fron mldonkey

Danny Woods dannywoodz at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jul 23 22:25:23 UTC 2007

On Mon, Jul 23, 2007 at 04:44:17PM -0400, Tsu-Fan Cheng wrote:
> Hi,
>   I run mldonkey (mlnet+gui) on freebsd 6.2 and found it takes up a lot of
> CPU resources. Is this a common thing or just me.

I run mlnet 2.8.7 *without* the GUI on 6.2 on a 533MHz VIA C3 (hardly a powerhorse) and it consumes very, very little CPU at all.  It does consume as much memory as it can, and the CPU load is high for the first minute after launching, but overall it runs very smoothly.

The advantage of running it headless is that you can use different GUIs to connect in from different hosts.  Sancho (http://sancho-gui.sourceforge.net) is a good choice, but there are others.


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