
Tom Grove freebsd at voidmain.net
Tue Jul 3 14:14:11 UTC 2007

RW wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Jul 2007 08:21:38 -0400
> Gerard <gerard at seibercom.net> wrote:
>> On July 02, 2007 at 11:57PM Richard Lynch wrote:
>>>  ...
>>> And there isn't any content I've felt deprived to not get.
>>> Obviously, folks who spend their free time (or work-time :-))
>>> watching youtube would feel differently, but...
>> Personally, I disagree. Many sites that I use, including business
>> sites, require the use of Flash. Your statement that Flash is only
>> relevant for those who view 'YouTube' is grossly incorrect. It is due
>> to the numerous problems of getting Flash to work correctly under
>> FreeBSD, regardless of which browser the end user is employing, that
>> I keep a Windows machine so as to facilitate the viewing of Flash
>> content.
>> IMHO, this is one of the reasons that more users do not use
>> alternative operating systems like FBSD. ...
> Can anyone comment on how well Flash9 works in a real Linux
> distribution?
> In particular does it have the problem where the flash item turns
> into a blank box after a few seconds. If that problem exists in Linux
> there's a decent chance it will get fixed by Adobe.
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I will say that my limited use with Debian testing (Lenny) and Flash was 
actually quite pleasant.  Flash worked on almost all sites very well.

I'm not all that familiar with the process that the FreeBSD Foundation 
went through to get Java binaries but I am wondering if they could do 
something similar with Adobe to get a native Flash on FreeBSD.  How 
possible is this?  I know this probably goes against everything that BSD 
stands for but money talks in this day and age.'

Would it be worth pursuing some kind of license agreement with Adobe so 
that the community or Adobe could start working on a native Flash for 


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