Shell recommendations

Oliver Fromme olli at
Tue Jan 9 10:08:53 UTC 2007

Dak Ghatikachalam <dghatikachalam at> wrote:
 > I am using ksh93 shell as my login shell
 > each and everytime
 > I do set -o vi
 > and perform some commands
 > it simply dumps ksh93.core
 >  file and crashed whole terminal session,

If you can't solve your problem otherwise, I recommend
you install zsh (also from /usr/ports), and then make a
symlink zsh -> ksh.  When zsh is invoked with the name
ksh, it emulates the behaviour of ksh.  I just tried it,
"set -o vi", and it seems to work perfectly well.

(zsh also has a lot of additional features, far beyond
what you can do with ksh.)

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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