find returns unusable result

Paul Schmehl pauls at
Wed Feb 28 23:13:03 UTC 2007

I'd like to cron a process that looks at a certain folder every day and 
changes the perms on a directory if they aren't what I want. 
Unfortunately, the people creating the folders are Windows folks using 
WinSCP, and so they create folders with spaces in them.  (E.g. Day 1, Day 
2, etc.)

I thought I could just do this:
chmod 755 `find /path/to/dirs -type d`

but find returns a directory name of Day, Day, Day, which (obviously) 
doesn't work.

>From the cli, find returns the actual directory name.

How can I get find to return the dirs correctly in a script?  Or is there 
some other way to do this that would work?

Paul Schmehl (pauls at
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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