Quick project, need help, happy to pay...

gregb at west-third.com gregb at west-third.com
Thu Feb 8 07:55:47 UTC 2007


Sorry if this is the wrong list, but this is the most basic of questions:
Can someone help me get a software package up and running?

The package: http://www.openemm.org/wiki/OpenEMM_Wiki_Home (these are the
installation instructions for Linux systems - I know others have gotten
the package running on FreeBSD, but there are no specific installation
instructions for that platform)

What I provide:

* A brand-spankin'-new FreeBSD 6.2 install
* SSH access (you may have to talk me through correct config - it was
(strangely!) not working after base install)
* A donation to FreeBSD or payment directly to you - your choice!

What you provide:

* Installation of the OpenEMM package
* A few tests to make sure it works
* An email address where I can PayPal your payment to

If interested, drop me a note directly (I'm not subscribed to the list),
along with an estimate of the cost and when you can get started. Some idea
of your experience (even a reference or two) would be grand as well.

Many thanks,
Greg Brooks

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