Intel Core Duo. SMP kernel but still only 50% load while using make on ports...

Daniel Tourde daniel.tourde at
Wed Feb 7 19:18:58 UTC 2007

   I have at my disposal an Inspiron 9400 with an Intel Core    FreeBSD 6.2 is installed and rebuilt to fit the processor. The kerne   l is in SMP mode.
   I noticed something strange: When I compile using ma   in the ports tree, I only have 50% load. CPU1 is used at   CPU0 is idle...
   I tried make -j2 but it did not work,   Any idea?
   How can I correct th   Thanks in advance,

   Läs det senaste om    det har gjort och med vem.    [1]Till Spray Mingel


   1. 3D"

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