Notes for a first-time porter

Dan Mahoney, System Admin danm at
Wed Dec 19 12:56:56 PST 2007


I am thinking of doing a quick port of the "zsu" zone file serial number 
bumper for FreeBSD.

However, I have a couple of questions regarding ports that aren't clear to 
me, nor do they seem to be in the porter's handbook.

1) What provision is made for when a port's "distsite" is simply "CPAN". 
Does the ports tree have any kinds of smarts regarding CPAN mirrors, 
locality, etc?

2) Is freeBSD's bastardization of CPAN files into packages (i.e. the 
BSDPAN) stuff documented anywhere?

3) Unrelated to my port but I'll ask anyway:  I'm vaguely aware that 
SourceForge has a command-line fetching utility for a while (you could 
only use it if you were a supporter tho).  I'm not sure if this is still 
the case.  At any rate, is there any special provision for local 
sourceforge mirrors, as above?

-Dan Mahoney


--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM

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