FreeBSD mail forwarder and SPF

Dan Mahoney, System Admin danm at
Mon Dec 10 13:27:26 PST 2007

Hello all,

I secure my outbound e-mail with SPF.  One of the ports maintainers 
(garga at also secures his INBOUND e-mail with SPF.

I tried to e-mail garga about a minor doc-bug, and got a bounce, since his 
mailserver didn't recognize as a valid MX for 
danm at

My solution to the problem was a workaround (screw being nice, open a 
send-pr).  However, the fact that this person is protecting his inbox in 
the same way as I am presents a problem: he's listed as a contact for 
these ports, and isn't reachable via it (but ironically WOULD be if I had 
no spf record).

In the mean, I recognize that FreeBSD is a volunteer organization, but can 
there be some kind of either:

a) policy requirement that people configure allow rules for the freeBSD 


b) modification to the forwarder so it re-sends instead of forwarding? 
I'd offer to help but my postfix foo isn't what it needs to be.
As technical types, coders, porters, etc, I feel we're beyond the level of 
"end user" for whom this would be "too complicated".

-Dan Mahoney


"Check it out, it's just like Christmas.  Except it sucks."

-Jason Seguerra, 3/2/05

--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM

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