Cannot write disk....

Gary Kline kline at
Sun Dec 9 23:19:57 PST 2007


	I sent this update hours ago.  I had  a typo and it bounced.

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	Maybe somebody can share some insights. k3b says that
	everything looks good, I can punch up the right places to
	read my DVD, but it  refuses to burn.  The first
	diagnostic says that /tmp/kde-k3d (?) didn't have enough
	room.  This after the DVD was already read, which seems
	a bit strange.. So I moved the tmp space to
	Again, it read the entire disc but again refused to write
	my blank disc. The diagnostics indicated that dd was 
	faulting.  So to be certain it wasn't a space issue I
	moved over to /storage/tmp/<> where I've got 93GB free.
	BZZZZT.  SAme thing.

	I've chowned cdrecord and cdrdao suid .  I understand
	octcal better than characters.  But I did a 
	chmod u+s on both binaries.   If not right, what is thee
	character and the octal (please) to chmod a binary suid??

	I just build k9copy and will try it.  (i Have a few other
	questions related to this stuff, but first, I'd just like
	to get k3b working.)  



	PS: the only new thing of note is that now k3b thinks my blank in
	"medium-sized" and asks me to insert a double.   I can't figure out
	if there is anyplace to do any more configs.   And my Memorex 
	DVD-RW discs hold up to 360 minutes.   Nutshell, I'm wedged.  Or
	really, lost... .

  Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix

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