Shell script in crontab cannot write files into FreeBSD's filesystem. (2nd evised version)

Supote Leelasuppakorn pjn0211 at
Wed Dec 5 04:17:10 PST 2007

Hi list,

   Thanks, Derek. You're right. The date command must be the absulute path. Now it works.

Thanks for your best answer.


>>Hi all,
>>    Please anybody help me, I faced the problem with my "crontab".
>>I tried to run a shell script which will fetch webpage and save it to
>>a directory by using wget but after few minute I cannot see any file
>>in such directory
>>    Below are content of shell script, my crontab and also
>>file's permission listing.
>># Output of `crontab -l`
>>* * * * * . /home/pjn/parseGP/
>># file:
>>TIMESTAMP=`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
> You are assuming that date is in your path by the above statement.  Never
> assume you have a good path, unless you set it in your script file.  So,
> either setup the path you need or use absolute pathnames such as:
> TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
>>/usr/local/bin/wget --no-cache -a ${LOGPATH}/fetch.log -O
>># Files' permission
>>blahHost$ls -ltrd parseGP
>>drwxr-xr-x 3 pjn pjn 512 Dec 5 14:27 parseGP
>>blahHost$ls -ltr parseGP/
>>total 4
>>drwxr-xr-x 2 pjn pjn 512 Dec 5 15:11 logs
>>-rwxr--r-- 1 pjn pjn 226 Dec 5 15:21
>>blahHost$ls -ltr parseGP/logs/
>>total 0
>>-rw-r--r-- 1 pjn pjn 0 Dec 5 15:14 fetch.log
> Make sure your script runs correctly outside cron, then test it from inside
> cron.  Add some echo statements so you can see what is executed, such as:
> #!/bin/sh
> TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
> LOGPATH="/home/pjn/parseGP/logs"
> echo $(TIMESTAMP)
> echo $(LOGPATH)
> echo /usr/local/bin/wget --no-cache -a ${LOGPATH}/fetch.log -O
> /usr/local/bin/wget --no-cache -a ${LOGPATH}/fetch.log -O
> echo ${LOGPATH}/${TIMESTAMP}.html
>          -Derek

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