time issue

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Sun Aug 26 22:09:36 PDT 2007

In the last episode (Aug 27), Michael P. Soulier said:
> On 25/08/07 Bill Moran said:
> > If this turns out to be your problem, I recommend using
> > pool.ntp.org. Read up a bit, it should be much more reliable on a
> > consistent basis. Also, OpenNTP has support built in to
> > automatically talk to all of ntp.org's servers without any funky
> > configuration: http://www.pool.ntp.org/use.html
> The only problem with the ntp pool is that ntp does its best to
> factor out problems with specific ntp servers, by learning about
> their quirks over time. An ntp pool where the specific servers that
> you're talking to change regularly defeats this.

ntpd does a single DNS lookup for each server at startup and doesn't
shift from them even if the DNS changes, so that's not an issue.
> Good enough to keep time on my server though, I suppose, since I'm
> not running a cellular network. :)

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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