IPv6 Tunnel Brokers?

Javier Henderson javier at kjsl.com
Wed Aug 1 21:41:55 UTC 2007

On Wed, August 1, 2007 16:12, Christopher Hilton wrote:
> Javier Henderson wrote:
>> On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 09:52:45 -0500, Eric Crist wrote:
>>> Hey list,
>>> While my ISP is rather geeky and more than willing to give me an IPv6
>>> tunnel to the internet, there seems to be a large number of routing
>>> problems upstream from them that prevent us from accessing the
>>> majority of the IPv6 net.
>>> So, I ask two things really.
>>> 1) Does anyone know of an ISP that'll give me a /48 or /64 they'll
>>> route across a gif tunnel?
>> http://www.tunnelbroker.net/
>> I use them and seem to be quite good.
> I second that recommendation. The ISP in question is Hurricane Electric
> and the process is 100% web driven. It took me less than a day to get a
> gif tunnel up and an ipv6 /64 assignment.

I was up and running in a few hours!

I'm using a Cisco rouer on my end, it was very easy to set up and get going.

-jav (disclaimer: I work at Cisco)

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