Advice on how to memorize images

Vittorio vdemart1 at
Tue Apr 10 12:27:28 UTC 2007

I'm now moving my first steps in trying to memorize my many digital 
photos (for the time being some 700 pictures but rapifdly growing, 
average size among 800-900kb)  in a "centralised system" easy to deal 
with. I'm now  successfully (but still in an experimental level) using  
a postgresql 8.0.2 db with its wonderful lo_creat, lo_export, etc 
Unfortunately I've read in the internet many criticism on 
the use of mysql or pgsql db to memorize images, that this is not an 
efficient way to do the job (no alternatives seem to be proposed 
anyway!) because the db easily becomes cumbersome  (isn't that the 
"core business" of a great db such as mysql or pgsql?).

Could someone 
out there tell an almost definite word on this subject with some 
suggestions (other applications?) based on real experience?


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