ezjail on FreeBSD 6.2

Dave dmehler26 at woh.rr.com
Thu Apr 5 00:47:37 UTC 2007

    Is anyone running ezjail on 6.2? I've got to set up three similar jails 
and i'd like to run them off of one base. I'd like to create a jail flavor, 
where one jail has file x while the others do not. Two problems i'm having 
with flavors is one adding packages such as shells, and two adding users and 
giving them the shells just added? I'd also like it if i could mount my host 
system's ports tree in the jail itself, so i wouldn't have to get multiple 
copies of the ports tree. The only way i've found thus far of doing this is 
via nullfs on the base system and was wondering if there was an easier 
method of doing this?

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