FreeBSD Slices on a PC Compatible Logical Device

David Lloyd lloy0076 at
Sat Sep 9 18:43:21 PDT 2006


> Generally, FreeBSD needs a primary slice to boot and run.
> I assume what you are calling 'normal partition' is what is
> called a primary slice.

Thanks - I had a mental blank as to what to call primary slices :)

> My suggestion is to shrink that 'logical partition' and make
> a 4th slice that is primary and put FreeBSd there, unless one of
> those other 'normal partitions' are are not needed.  Then, just use
> the installer to delete what is in the slice and create it with
> a FreeBSD slice and go from there.    Alternately you can add
> a disk.

I think that's what I'll attempt to do (i.e. shrink the logical partition).


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