dns caching service

Zbigniew Szalbot zbyszek at szalbot.homedns.org
Tue Oct 31 11:45:55 UTC 2006


On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:

> Hello,
> I have followed all the instructions from
> http://www.tnpi.biz/internet/dns/djbdns-freebsd.shtml
> to install and run a dns caching services using djbdns.
> I have the svscan process up and running.
> 2454  ??  S      0:00.07 svscan /var/service
> And yet when I changed the /etc/resolv.conf so that the nameserver is 
> and not my ISP's one, I got "host lookup did not complete" from 
> exim. Neither could I run lynx as it did not load its default page nor any 
> other for that matter. I used the simplest possible host cache configuration 
> so that the caching service is available only to the FBSD machine.
> I am trying to find out what went wrong. For the time being I have changed 
> the resolv file back to the DNS server of my ISP.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I suspect that it was the 
problem with rehash command. The instructions are as follows:

chmod 755 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/services.sh
ln -s /usr/local/etc/rc.d/services.sh /usr/local/sbin/services
rehash; services start

Now when I came to the rehash command, I saw in my tty that command was 
not found. I just sheepishly went on and issued services restart.

Could that be the reason why DNS is not working? I killed svscan (I think 
it was automatically started again) but it did not help.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Zbigniew Szalbot

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