dump/restore question

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Thu Nov 30 12:51:32 PST 2006

Kimberly B wrote:
> If I have built a freebsd system to my liking and want to be able to reinstall 
> fbsd to my pre-dump state (assuming the same slice configuration). I ran
>   dump -L -0f - /
>   dump -L -0f - /usr
>   dump -L -0f - /var
>   dump -L -0f - /tmp
>   and save these files remotely.
>  Could I then expect to reinstall fbsd and restore these dump files and have the same 
 >  state of the system when I dumped?  including all ports and all?
>   kimberly

Yes.  Ymmv.

Kevin Kinsey

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