portsnap proxy

Le Cocq Michel lecocq at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Tue May 23 07:43:09 PDT 2006


I try to instal an apache proxy for portsnap under FreeBSD

here are my conf files:

        #on the server /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
        <VirtualHost *:80>
                ProxyPass /portsnap http://portsnap.FreeBSD.org

        #on the client /etc/portsnap.conf

on the serveur portsnap fetch update is ok
but on the client i obtain this

chora# portsnap fetch
Looking up naxos/portsnap mirrors... none found.
Fetching snapshot tag... fetch: http://naxos/portsnap/latest.ssl: Not Found

Michel Le Cocq
Administrateur Reseau Laga-Lipn

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