Installing a port into a different prefix

Lennon Cook maguswizardo at
Thu May 18 06:24:23 PDT 2006

I am attempting to have two ports (java/kaffe and java/jdk15)
installed side-by-side. This means installing one of them into a
different prefix, because they both install several files with the
same name (specifically, java{,c,h,doc} and possibly others). At this
point, I would prefer to do this with kaffe if it is possible. I have
attempted to do this by 'pkg_add -p /opt/kaffe -r kaffe', but this
didn't work: the 'kaffe' binary is installed into /usr/local/bin, and
the various files with conflicting names remain the Sun versions. So,
I tried 'cd /usr/ports/java/kaffe ; prefix=/opt/kaffe make install
clean' , which gave me exactly the same results.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong here?

Lennon Victor Cook
"He who receives an idea from me receives without lessening, as he who
lights his candle at mine receives light without darkening" - Thomas

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