Soekris Net4801 performance

Dinesh Nair dinesh at
Thu Mar 30 05:12:31 UTC 2006

On 03/30/06 09:28 Mike Tancsa said the following:
> On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 17:19:25 +0200, in sentex.lists.freebsd.questions
> you wrote:
>>ftp put is around 3Mbytes/sec and ftp get is around 2Mbytes/sec
>>ifconfig says:

> They are not the fastest around, but it depends what you want to do
> with them. On an older 4501, I get about 7Mb.  You should be able to
> get that at least.

m0n0wall, a freebsd based router/firewall project is built for both the 
soekris net45xx and net48xx boxes. m0n0wall 1.2 is based on freebsd 4.x and 
m0n0wall 1.3 (which i'm currently maintaining) is based on freebsd 6.x. 
we've seen clear degradation of network throughput between m0n0 1.2 and 
1.3. we usually use iperf for throughput testing with the m0n0wall sitting 
in between. search the m0n0wall lists for past throughput comparisons.


Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
dinesh at                (0 0)
| for a in past present future; do                                        |
|   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
|   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
| done; done                                                              |

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