encrypted drives

Erik Norgaard norgaard at locolomo.org
Wed Mar 22 08:42:45 UTC 2006


1) I was thinking, what is the performance penalty of storing data on an 
encrypted device? Sure, for writing documents, coding and stuff, I guess 
the performance loss is insignificant, but for music and video which 
then needs to be decrypted and then decoded, is this a problem?

2) One thing is to create an entire encrypted device for /home. But that 
have the unfortunate consequence that other user's data is unencrypted 
once the system is up.

What would be more appropriate is a solution where each home-dir is an 
encrypted mfs which is decrypted and mounted when the user log in, is 
this possible?

If not, then the alternative would be to have a private mfs in the 
user's home dir which is mounted after login, but I think yet the user 
needs root access to mount encrypted devices.

Is there any possibility for users to mount their own encrypted mfs?

Thanks, Erik

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