Xorg XFree86 compatibility issues.

Malcolm Kay malcolm.kay at internode.on.net
Thu Mar 16 12:17:07 UTC 2006

My primary activity at home is on a machine "alpha" running FBSD 
5.4 and Xorg version of X. But I have a couple of other machines 
running older systems FBSD 4.9, "beta" and RedHat linux, "linux" 
both running XFree86.

I can ssh into both these from "alpha" and run a number ofcommon 
X processes without apparent difficulty. EG:
alpha:200> ssh -X -f beta xterm
alpha:201> -X -f linux xterm
alpha:202> -X -f beta xv

But others fall over. EG:
alpha:203> ssh -X -f beta xfig
alpha:204> X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to 
access private resource denied)
  Major opcode of failed request:  102 (X_ChangeKeyboardControl)
  Serial number of failed request:  303
  Current serial number in output stream:  304

alpha:205> ssh -X -f beta nedit
alpha:206> X Error of failed request:  BadAtom (invalid Atom 
  Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)
  Atom id in failed request:  0x6a
  Serial number of failed request:  20
  Current serial number in output stream:  20

The same error message is reported when calling nedit on "linux"
alpha:207> ssh -X -f linux nedit
alpha:208> X Error of failed request:  BadAtom (invalid Atom 
  Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)
  Atom id in failed request:  0x6a
  Serial number of failed request:  20
  Current serial number in output stream:  20

Is this incompatibility between Xorg terminal and XFree86 clients 
to be expected or am I missing something? More importantly is 
there a way around it?

Is it feasible to install both Xorg and XFree86 on the one system
and choose the appropriate one at a given time?

Any help or information appreciated.

Malcolm Kay

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