Let's make a FreeBSD ports blog! CCCCOOOL =)

Vaaf vaaf at broadpark.no
Thu Mar 9 20:33:33 UTC 2006

At 20:55 09.03.2006, Steel City Phantom wrote:

>    This is a useful idea, but i don't think you have to go and develop a
>    whole new site to make it happen.  simply take the existing ports
>    search application ([1]www.freebsd.com/ports) and make some small
>    modifications to it.  stuff like when the search results come up, when
>    you click on the name of the app, instead of taking you to the CVS, it
>    takes you to the blog for that app where the long description is the
>    starting article.  then you can add all the rating stuff and whatever
>    you want below that.
>    also, a link to the homepage for the app would be nice.  im constantly
>    searching freebsd ports and then in another tab searching google for
>    the app i just found to figure out what in the world it is.
>    i realize it would be double work for some maintainers but it can be
>    written to be fairly automated im sure.  and the port maintainers can
>    just leave it up to the users to maintain the blog part if they like.

Steel City Phantom :) Thank you for your input!

Best regards,

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