Are hardware vendors starting to bail on FreeBSD ... ?

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC chad at
Thu Jun 29 19:30:01 UTC 2006

On Jun 29, 2006, at 8:41 AM, David Robillard wrote:

> Well, there are two issues here: access time (rpm) and storage
> capacity (GB). The access time deals with rotational speed of the
> drives (rpm) while storage capacity (GB) does not care how fast the
> drive spins.

There is a third and that is bit density.   The reason that that is  
important is that it can compensate for a slower drive (rotational  
speed).  If a fast drive with lower bit density has to rotate X  
rotation to get to the data, a higher bit density drive will usually  
have to rotate something less than X because the data is more dense.   
In simple terms (these numbers are made up to illustrate this and  
have no bearing on real numbers except that the concept holds:  a  
fast RPM with lower bit density might have 1GB per cylinder and hence  
say 2/3 of a rotation might be needed to get data X.  A higher  
density drive might have 6GB per cylinder so needs only, say 1/9 of a  
slower rotation to get to the same data).   This was amply  
illustrated by some 500GB SATA benchmark I read that had it equaling  
some much faster RPM drives for access time with much lower bit  
density.  Other factors play in here as well but hopefully you get  
the idea.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at

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