Slow server

Olivier Nicole on at
Mon Jul 3 07:59:11 UTC 2006

> > >2) as there are many connections comming from search engines siders
> > >   (90% of all the established connections), I'd like to limit the
> > >   ressources that spiders are using. One way would be through IPFW,
> > >   but are there better ways? Is there a way to limit/prioritize in
> > >   Apache (not that I know any).
> Lookup mod_security rules for Apache and mod_dosevasive. mod_evasive
> will help prevent the spiders from opening many pages at one time

Thanks for the idea. I looked at both. mod_evasive would be the one,
but it keeps traffic information on a per web site basis. The problem
is that I have hundred of web sites and the spider tries to access one
page at a time, but one page of each web site...

OK I have to dig that further.



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