Resource Not specified in CIS

Ian Lord lordi at
Sat Jul 1 02:10:06 UTC 2006


I just tried to install a clean copy of freebsd 
6.1 on a Ibm Thinkpad 600X Laptop.

There is a Xircom Cardbus network/modem card in it.

When the system boots, the modem gets detected, 
the network card also (as DC0) but I get a bunch of these messages:

CARDBUS1 Ressource Not Specified in CIS

No Station address in CIS

I've browsed through the forums, I saw a couple 
of people having the same problem, but didn't find any solution...

I didnt provided a complete log of boot process 
cause since I don't have access to the nic, and 
there is no floppy on the laptop, it's hard to extract it :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Ian Lord
MSD Informatique
1711 Montée Major Terrebonne (Québec) J7M 1E6
Tél.: (514) 776-MSDI            -> (514) 776-6734
Sans Frais: 1(877) 776-MSDI     -> 1(877) 776-6734 

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