Share desktop with XOrg

User Gandalf gandalf at
Wed Jan 18 09:15:01 PST 2006

Kilian Hagemann wrote:

>On Wednesday 18 January 2006 18:08, User Gandalf pondered:
>>Is it possible to share a desktop under the XOrg server? Is there a port
>>for this? I'm aware of the -display option of X based programs. What I
>>need is not a remote desktop connection. I would like to share my
>>desktop to another user so he can see what I see.
>Yes, the stock Xorg server doesn't though. You could use VNC, but in my 
>experience that just opens up another X display where you login separately 
>using kdm/gdm/xdm or whatever.
>I suggest you use KDE's desktop sharing (krfb, in the menu under "System", 
>part of the "kdenetwork" package, tested on 3.4.1). Does what you want.
I hoped there is a more native solution. I prefer gtk over kde but what 
can I do?


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