Haven't been able to make world in about a year

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Fri Feb 24 08:24:30 PST 2006

Kristian Vaaf wrote:
[ ... ]
>>> I've tried over and over again. And sent about a
>>> dozen e-mails to this list.
>>> http://www.home.no/hedhnta/result.txt

That URL doesn't work:

4-sec% fetch -v http://www.home.no/hedhnta/result.txt
looking up www.home.no
connecting to www.home.no:80
requesting http://www.home.no/hedhnta/result.txt

404 Not Found

Not Found
The requested URL /hedhnta/result.txt was not found on this server.

[ ... ]
> The point is I've been having this problem for so long,
> and none of the developers are willing to help me.

Most people who ask questions on the FreeBSD list get helpful responses quickly,
but we aren't telepathic: if you don't provide enough information for others to
help you, well, in that case you're going to have to solve the problems yourself.

> This is one of the reason I think, why most people these
> days seem to go (back) to DragonflyBSD.
> I certainly am going to.

Whatever you like, dude.  Have fun,


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