Memory leak?

Robert Leftwich freebsd at
Sun Feb 12 17:01:46 PST 2006

After running some number crunching for the last twelve hours I noticed
my box starting to use swap. Given that it has 4gb in it (of which 3gb
is available, see my other email for that issue) and I know that the app
never uses more than around 1gb I was surprised. Looking at the numbers
from top I was even more surprised, there seems to be a significant
chunk of memory unaccounted for (from memory when I checked after a
couple of hours the inactive memory was around 1300M with Free in the
400M range, everything basically totalling to around the 3gb mark as
expected). The app is driven by a script and is only running for around
1/2 hr per dataset after which it shuts down and restarts on a new
dataset, so all memory should be freed up/made inactive after each
restart, no? 

Mem: 274M Active, 227M Inact, 263M Wired, 95M Cache, 214M Buf, 4536K
Swap: 4068M Total, 707M Used, 3361M Free, 17% Inuse

real memory  = 3221159936 (3071 MB)
avail memory = 3106529280 (2962 MB)

What's the best way to track down more information as to the cause of
this problem?



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