Is there reference manual for sh?

George d1945 at
Sun Dec 31 00:19:02 PST 2006

On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 06:22:09PM -0600, Lane wrote:
> On Saturday 30 December 2006 12:22, a at wrote:
> > On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 10:16:20AM -0500, Robert Huff wrote:
> > > a at writes:
> > I need any online complete manual on sh, not a brief as it is man
> > sh.  The last one doesn't describe many features both interactive
> > (command line editing, using history interactively, and many others)
> > and scripting (for example, conditional expressions).
> Here's a "brute-force" manual:
> #!/bin/sh
> for each in `find /etc/rc.d`
>     do more $each
> done

Bonus points for not using cat, but it sounds like you're recommending a
manual you yourself haven't read.

    $ for each in /etc/rc.d/* ; do more $each ; done

Or skipping the unecessary logic: 

    $ more /etc/rc.d/*

Sarcasm is mostly counterproductive, doncha think?

> If you need more than what is there then you probably need Kernigan
> and Ritchie's The "C" Programming Language, (still) available on

My guess is the OP is inquiring about scripting in general, but bash(1)
and readline(3) in particular.  If that's the case, the manpages should
be more than adequate; a reading of Mendel Cooper's Advanced Bash
Scripting Guide (available for free at a Google search near you) would
also be useful for a practical perspective.  Recommending the K&R book I
don't think is appropriate.


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