Multi Address Broadcast Protocol

Tim Martin tmartin159 at
Tue Dec 26 22:29:20 PST 2006

I have an idea for a new protocol that will decrease a multimedia 
servers bandwidth usage.  Normally a server, such as a video or audio 
streamer, sends a packet out to each and every listener.  There can be 
made a protocol that sends one packet out to 16 or so listeners.  The 
packets should be designed so that they can be addressed to 16 IP 
addresses in a sequential fashion.  The packet would get sent out to the 
first address in its list of addresses.  The receiving computer will 
strip away its own address and send the packet on to the next address in 
the list.  Then that computer will do the same thing and so on until all 
the addresses are stripped away from the packet.  Or maybe whenever a 
packet makes a hop the packet can be split in two with half the 
addresses in a packet going one way and the other half going the other.  
This would distribute the workload to all the nodes in between the 
source and destinations in a pyramid of sorts.  If there are enough hops 
between the multimedia server and the listener then there would be no 
need for the listener computer to send any packets back out.  If one 
listener doesn't receive its packet in a specified time then the server 
can resend the packet in a conventional addressing fashion.

Please feel free to develop this protocol, I would certainly like to 
make use of it.  I guess it could be called something like Multi Address 
Broadcast Internet Protocol or MAB/IP.  Please forward this on to anyone 
who you think might be interested in developing a public licensed 
version of this protocol.

Of course this protocol should be able to work on Unix, Linux, Windows, 
FreeBSD, and Mac computers.

Tim Martin
tmartin159 at


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