remote syslog to specific file

bsd bsd at
Thu Dec 14 05:56:41 PST 2006


I am trying to log my sonicwall FW log to a specific file…

For the moment all logs are sent to /var/log/messages

I would like them to go to /var/log/sonic.log

I have tried couple of things which does not seem to work, among them :

> local0.*		/var/log/sonic.log
> +@
--> not working

> local0.*		/var/log/sonic.log
--> not working either

In /var/log/messages my log are of that format :

> Dec 14 14:50:49 fw id=firewall sn=0006Bxxx4D6C time="2006-12-14  
> 14:50:45" fw= pri=5 c=64 m=36 msg="TCP connection  
> dropped" n=183  
> proto=tcp/135

Any help would be welcome.

Gregober ---> PGP ID --> 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@

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