Fonts on X.Org...

Nagy László Zsolt nagylzs at
Tue Dec 12 02:50:59 PST 2006

Ne'Bahn írta:
> Hi list, how can I add some fonts to the system, for instance: Arial, 
> Courier New, and so others. I know there are some fonts that cost to 
> acquire them, but isn't an implementation of these fonts for
> the open source arena ???
Please read the documentation for xorg.conf. I'm using several TTF fonts 
from my Windows system. All you need is to create a new directory, place 
your fonts there and add the new font path in xorg.conf. Be aware, some 
font files are not in ttf. AFAIK the Xorg server cannot use ".fon" files.
> PS: I've some docs made in a Windows environment that use fonts I 
> don't have
> on FreeBSD, the replacement is very bad, so OpenOffice offers system 
> fonts
> rather than their fonts (if it has a set), a problem for
> portability/compatibility but indeed better for availability.
For some reason, I also cannot read some documents because of font 
problems despite that I have those fonts installed. I used to do "select 
all" and the change the font to something else; that will make all text 



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