Booting a Freebsd HD on a windows box?

Garrett Cooper youshi10 at
Tue Dec 5 09:11:44 PST 2006

Jerry McAllister wrote:
> Well, probably almost. That will be making a dual-boot machine. I have 
> several in dual boot. The only odd thing is doing it by combining two 
> already made disks rather than doing it from scratch.
> First, you probably want the MS system to be in first disk the system recognizes.   It is happier that way.
It has to be that way; whoever planned out the installation for Windows 
basically required that the first system disk (either EIDE or SCSI) be 
the Windows system disk. Unfortunately there's no way to chicken out of 
doing that. You can choose which partition you want the Windows 
installation to go on to as long as it's primary (1-4) and not extended 

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