Corrupted C Compiler

Rachel Florentine rachel_florentine at
Mon Dec 4 23:19:30 PST 2006


----- Original Message ----
From: Jan Grant <jan.grant at>

>I don't think it makes much sense, no. Zope is python-based and unless 
>you're building products that rely on native libraries, what you 
>describe doesn't sound like an accurate diagnosis. It's more likely 
>(this is a stab in the dark) that you're running a script to regerate 
>.pyc files; these are precompiled python bytecode files that are built 
>from the corresponding .py files.

I don't have my references in front of me, but I ran into an error when I tried to runzope that I didn't understand, so I yahoo'd it and discovered that my c libraries were corrupted. It was recommended I run a certain command to clean them up. I ran that command and everything went smoothly. I repeated this process a few times. So yes, I'm sure that's what I did.

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