can someone point me to some good and descriptive VPN documentation for my use?

Jim Stapleton stapleton.41 at
Thu Aug 31 16:12:38 UTC 2006

I'm trying to VPN in to work from home, and the IT group there only
supports windows. There are Cisco pre-configured clients for Linux,
MacOS X, and Windows available, but not BSD.

I tried running the Linux binary, but it wanted to move to a
nonexistant driectory, and didn't tell me which directory it couldn't
find, so I couldn't make the proper symlink.

I looked through the VPN via IPSEC portion of the handbook, but was
left wanting. Anyone know of a better howto?

My questions from the VPN/IPSEC section:
(1) My machine isn't the router - can it still work?
(2) I don't want to send a lot of garbage to the VPN connection,
should I connect the loopback (, my local ip (,
or create a new loopback or virtual network connection (how?)

-Jim Stapleton

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