Perl: sort string alphabetically, or remove dupe chars?

Andrew Reitz ajr9 at
Thu Apr 27 07:37:34 UTC 2006

On Apr 26, 2006, at 12:34 AM, Nikolas Britton wrote:

> On 4/25/06, Parv <parv at> wrote:
> Thanks parv... I meant the algorithm was clunky, not the code... I'm
> so new at this that I can't read your code, and I have a hard enough
> time reading mine own :-).
> I've got another simple problem now. How do I get this code to stop
> printing everything on a newline, I'm not using \n in my print
> statement so why does it do that and how do I get it to stop?
> @wordlist1 = `sed /^$sedstring1\\\$/\\!d < enable2k_wordlist`;
> foreach (@wordlist1) {
>   $string = $_;
>   $string =~ s/[$solvedletters1]//g;
>   my @chars = split("", $string);
>   $string = ""; @chars = sort (@chars);
>     foreach (@chars) {
>       $string .= $_;
>     }
>   $string =~ tr///cs;
>   print "$string";
> }

Hi Nikolas,

Most likely, your input has '\n' characters at the end of every line,  
and you aren't doing anything in perl to strip those away. Try adding  
a 'chomp($string);' line before you print.

-Andy Reitz.

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