Text files going double lined

Derek Ragona derek at computinginnovations.com
Tue Apr 18 13:40:02 UTC 2006

Usually this is a result of the wrong end-of-line characters being used, 
depending on what the output device expects.

In UNIX, end-of-line is just a line-feed, in MS-DOS/Windows end-of-line is 
a carriage-return line-feed pair.

You may need to change the end-of-line characters to suit your needs and 
output device.


At 08:10 AM 4/18/2006, Kyrre Nygard wrote:

>Does anybody know why text files sometime go double lined?
>That is, there somehow getting one empty line in between every line.
>I work with a lot of people across many platforms and I find it very annoying
>when large pieces of code or language gets doubled up like that.
>Would anyone happen to know how to then:
>1) Reduce all empty single lines to no lines
>2) Reduce all empty double lines to a single line
>To restore things?
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