Faking multiple physical adapters for DHCPDISCOVER

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Tue Apr 11 16:17:12 UTC 2006

Terrence Koeman wrote:
[ ... ]
> I need to 'clone' the xl1 adapter to appear as three adapters, each with a
> distinct MAC address. This because my provider has assigned me three
> semi-static addresses of which I want to use 1 for outbound NAT-traffic and
> two for static NAT.
> These addresses are semi-static because they are basically MAC-based
> reservations on the providers DHCP server, and it happens to be that I'm
> required to aquire a DHCP lease for all three addresses for routing to work
> properly. If I configure the addresses statically the connectivity
> 'disappears' after a while.

The reason why your ISP has configured their system in such a fashion is to 
prevent people from claiming multiple static IPs from a single machine.

If you're not happy with their AUP, use another provider, or pay for a 
dedicated IP allocation of whatever size you need.


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