Passing options to Newfs in the FreeBSD installer

valentin_nils at valentin_nils at
Sun Apr 2 16:24:45 UTC 2006

Hello FreeBSD Fans ;-),

I have a probably simple question,which kept me busy for several days by now.
I have a few years experience with Linux and would like to extend my knowledge
now to the BSD*s.

Hopefully my question is not too stupid so that somebody can point me into the
correct direction. Anyway here we go...

During the FreeBSD installation I would like to pass parameters to the programm
which creates the filesystem *newfs if I understand that correctly.

I would like to pass the following options: nosuid, noexec, userquota &
groupquota to some partitions.

Whatever I do - even when I want to pass only a single option - I get as a error
message "Invalid argument"

1) Are the above options "nosuid, noexec, userquota, groupquota" valid options
to be passed to the installer programme newfs or do I have some misspells here

2) How would I separate several options in the installers input screen after
pressing "G", by komma (,) by semicolon (;) or just by space ( ) ?

I did search the mailing lists up and down and consulted my book from Michael
Lucas and googled, but somehow I didnt find the answer.

I would appreciate any replies.

Best regards

Nils Valentin

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