Diskless Boot Problem

Erik Norgaard norgaard at locolomo.org
Wed Sep 21 03:20:14 PDT 2005

kevin stovall wrote:
> Yes, / is read-only and /var is rw. Here is my fstab:
> /     nfs    ro 0 0
> /var nfs rw 0 0
> /tmp nfs rw 0 0
>              /usr  nfs    rw 0 0
> proc                            /proc procfs rw 0 0

Question: what is your /etc/exports? Did you export all rw or 
/home/diskless_ro ro? Thing is that it's tricky to have both rw and ro 
exports on the same partition.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818                                  web: www.locolomo.org
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