Boot Loader Problem

Glenn Dawson glenn at
Sun Sep 18 01:07:49 PDT 2005

At 12:00 AM 9/18/2005, John Do wrote:
>Hi guys
>I still can't boot BSD :(
>I have tried everything I can and bla bla read etc etc
>Here is the setup (I boot off ad0)
>ad0 - boot loader and Windows XP
>ad2 slice 2 - FreeBSD Install
>Exactly from the emergency shell do I need to type to
>configure the bootloader so it gives the option of
>booting to ad2 slice 2?
>I have tried commands like:
>boot0cfg -B -s 5 ad0
>boot0cfg -B -s 2 ad2
>but no change in the boot menu
>I still see no change in the menu
>It shows 2 options
>Drive 1
>Both options will boot Windows XP
>Please help thx!

Output from the following commands would be most useful in helping to 
solve your problem.  With the info you've provided so far, any 
suggestions would be mostly guesswork.

fdisk /dev/ad0
fdisk /dev/ad2
bsdlabel /dev/ad0
bsdlabel /dev/ad2
boot0cfg -v /dev/ad0
boot0cfg -v /dev/ad2


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