Nagios Client on FreeBSD 5.4

Mike Woods Mike at
Thu Oct 20 03:14:54 PDT 2005

Deepak Naidu wrote:

>  Hi, I wanted to install nagios client on FreeBSD 5.4. I want to
>  monitor my SMTP (25) and disk usage etc to be monitored from Nagios
>  server installed on Linux box.
>  How do I do... In linux there is Nagios-Client.rpm. What is the
>  alternative on FreeBSD
>  I dont want the server, I just wnat to monito my FreeBSD 5.4 host.

I know this has already been addresses by others but i have another 
answer :)

If im reding you right you have a linux box setup with nagios and you 
want to monitor services on a remote freebsd box ?

SMTP wont be an issue, that can be monitored with check_smtp as someone 
has already suggested, local stats like disk usage can be monitored a 
number of ways, personaly i've found nrpe (nagios remote plugin 
executor), nrpe basicly allows you to execute nagios check plugins over 
a network/the internet, it's in ports (2 versions depending on which 
version of nagios you have installed) and it'll install the 
nagios-plugins package as a dependancy, once it's installed you can 
configure the commands nrpe will answer and these commands in turn call 
a nagios plugin.

Jobs-a-goodun :P

Mike Woods
Systems Administrator

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