localepurge for FreeBSD?

N Deepak deep at symonds.net
Sun Oct 16 20:13:47 PDT 2005

On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 03:25:34PM -0400, Parv wrote:
> > Debian GNU/Linux has a utility called `localepurge'.  This
> > software asks the user about his locale, and purges remaining
> > locales.
> I assume the user in this context is root?

> > The recovered disk space, when executed the first time, can run
> > into many megabytes.
> One question: in a remote chance if one wants to convert/translate
> text from one locale to another, will that conversion work (via
> iconv & its ilk) devoid of the locale definitions?
Likely not, but that's why it first shows a menu, where the user can
keep locales he is interested in.  OTOH, I just don't need most of those
locales -- chinese, korean, japanese, ...  I can use the same disk space
for something better.


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