Fax App Recommendations

Robert H. Perry rperry at gti.net
Wed Nov 30 05:37:31 GMT 2005

Currently running FreeBSD RELEASE 5.4 and a MultiTech Voice/Data/Fax 
modem for dialup internet service on a server-type machine.  I also run 
another machine with 3 operating systems (FreeBSD 5.4, Suse 9.2, and 
Windows XP).

My original objective was to install Hylafax on the server and share it 
with the other 3 systems.

I ran into a couple of errors early on and seeked some help from the 
mailing list.  Got one response suggesting I reinstall the app from source.

I don't have a lot expertise with modems and facsimiles so I'm 
considering starting with something a little less complex.  Can anyone 
recommend a fax app for a "newbie"?


Bob Perry

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