Running mrtg on FreeBSD

matt . fasterdisco at
Sun Nov 27 01:02:35 GMT 2005

On 11/26/05, matt . <fasterdisco at> wrote:
> Trying this now...I'll letcha now.  Thanks!

Still seeing the same error.  I created /usr/local/www/mrtg owned by
mrtg:mrtg.  I run the following in mrtg's crontab:

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mrtg /usr/local/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --debug=cfg,dir
--logging /var/log/mrtg.log

And I see the debug check the config and dir structures ok:

2005-11-26 19:58:00 -- --dir: ensure path IN:  '/usr/local/www/mrtg'
2005-11-26 19:58:00 -- --dir: ensure path OUT: '/usr/local/www/mrtg/'
2005-11-26 19:58:00 -- --dir: imagehtml =
2005-11-26 19:58:00 -- Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /usr/local/bin/mrtg line 720.
2005-11-26 19:58:00 -- Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at /usr/local/bin/mrtg line 720.
2005-11-26 19:58:00 -- ERROR: Can't Execute '/rateup'

Still trying to execute /rateup.  This works flawlessly when run by root.  I
don't get it.

Here is line 720 of /usr/local/bin/mrtg:

((($MRTG_lib::OS eq 'NT' or $MRTG_lib::OS eq 'OS2') and (-e
"${FindBin::Bin}${MRTG_lib::SL}rateup.exe")) or
     (($MRTG_lib::OS eq 'NW') and (-e "SYS:/Mrtg/bin/rateup.nlm")) or
     (-x "${FindBin::Bin}${MRTG_lib::SL}rateup")) or
       die "ERROR: Can't Execute '${FindBin::Bin}${MRTG_lib::SL}rateup'\n";


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