mysql 5.0 on FreeBSD 5.3

Micah micahjon at
Fri Nov 25 04:44:00 GMT 2005

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 06:09:32PM -0800, Ron wrote:
>>>No, you can just compile it yourself using ports (although the ports
>>>collection also doesn't support 5.3 any longer, most things will still
>>>work).  Using packages with pkg_add -r is an *alternative* to
>>>compiling yourself using the ports system, and there's no point in
>>>updating your ports collection if you're not going to use it.
>>Is there a way to update to 5.4 that doesn't involve reinstalling?  
>>Everything I can find about it makes it seem like a very complex process.  
>>If someone can point me to some step-by-step docs, I would appreciate it.  
>>(Yes, I have looked all over the freebsd site, and I don't see anything 
>>that is plain and simple instructions).
> It's explained in detail in the handbook.
> Kris

Under the title "cutting edge"
Note: it's geared towards -STABLE and -CURRENT users (hence the 
misleading title), just set your cvs tag to RELENG_5_4 to update to 5.4


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