Intresting X Question...

Rob spamrefuse at
Wed Nov 16 05:18:49 GMT 2005

 Eric Murphy wrote:
 > However today in one of our labs I installed bsd on a machine and was 
 > unable to get xorg working properly becuase getconfig wasnt issueing the 
 > correct H and V rates for the monitor, I didnt know what to do without 
 > having to look it up. Anyway if someone could explain this process I 
 > would be much obliged. Thanks
 In that case I would read the brosure of the monitor; if not available, google
 on the monitor type and try to get the monitor specs from the internet.
 Very often you get the Horiz., Vert., and Pixel freq. easily, or at least
 you get a good idea of what they should be by finding similar monitor
 type, or other people's configuration, etc.
 Sorry, I don't know how Xorg figures out about the monitor specs.

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