cyrus-sasl2 compile option

Gerard Seibert gerard at
Tue Nov 8 13:36:42 GMT 2005

I found this notation on regarding cyrus-sasl on the FreeBSD site

This is a snippet of the article:

Install security/cyrus-sasl from the ports. You can find this port in
security/cyrus-sasl. security/cyrus-sasl has a number of compile time
options to choose from and, for the method we will be using here, make
sure to select the pwcheck option.

Does this apply to cyrus-sasl2 as well? I tried 'make config' but that
produced nothing. I do not see any option for the 'pwcheck' option in
the Makefile. What, if any compile options should I include on the
command line? I am running FreeBSD 5.4 at present.

Gerard Seibert
gerard at

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