Help with Expect

Mike Jeays Mike.Jeays at
Sun May 22 20:19:31 PDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-05-22 at 20:30, Phusion wrote:
> I need some help with an expect script I'm trying to write. Here's
> what I would like to do.
> - Ping the host to see if it's up.
>   a. If the host responds to pings telnet into it.
>   b. If the host doesn't respond to pings write that to a log file and
> close the expect script properly.
> The host does respond to pings. I was thinking if I see a ttl in the
> response packet to assume it's up and telnet into it. Let me know how
> I can do the following with expect. Also, how do I close an expect
> script properly? Thanks.
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I sent you these examples to a similar request a few days ago, and
didn't get any acknowledgement.  Did you not receive it, or is it not
clear, or do you need more help?


You can ping a host and test whether it was successful from a shell
script, without needing to use expect.  Hope this is useful, as it
doesn't quite answer your question.  Note the "-c 1" to tell ping to try
just once.

ping -c 1 chaucer
if [ $rc1 -gt 0 ]
  echo "Chaucer is down"
  echo "Chaucer is up"

Here is an example of telnet from expect; a very quick and dirty way to
synchronize a clock on a very old machine.

set timeout 10
spawn telnet jansen
expect "]"

send "password1\r"
expect "jansen???"

send "su\r"
expect "Password:"

send "rootpassword\r"
expect "#"

exec date >/tmp/datesync.tmp
exec cat /tmp/datesync.tmp
set newtime [exec cat /tmp/datesync.tmp]
send "date -s \"$newtime\"\r"
expect "#"

send "exit\r"
expect "jansen???"

send "exit\r"
expect "host."

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